Today, fitness is synonymous with perfect figures. It’s about losing weight, eating less, or starting a fancy diet. These are all ideas that are promoted by the “weight loss” industry. This industry is rooted in people’s desire to be a certain size or weight. What is fitness? And why should it be the main goal, with weight and appearances a side effect.
Fitness does not necessarily mean running a marathon, lifting weights or working out in a gym. For the average person, fitness should be about living life to its fullest. This is possible only if we understand the backbone of our existence, which includes our physical, mental, and emotional health. Changes in lifestyle and diet are major contributors to degenerative health patterns. There are growing concerns about mental health and child growth. It is important to examine what we eat and how our day goes.
From ‘Working Out’ to Working In’
Unimportant Self-Care, that was often overlooked by many of us until COVID hit, was working on nutrition, health, and immune function. The industry of health and wellness has been transformed by the uncertainty, the need for optimal health, and improved immune function over the past year. Trends have evolved from being merely about achieving a ‘look’ or aesthetic to being more healthy, having a better immune function, a healthier relationship with food, and a healthier relationship with oneself. The best thing is that the quest to look good can be a part of getting healthier. It all starts with changing your lifestyle.
It’s not about eating less. Good nutrition means eating right to achieve one’s goals, health, skin, and hair. As a coach, good nutrition is more than just eating right and exercising. Our scope is very broad and includes: Better sleep, better stress management, self-improvement and working on your thoughts. These are great because they complement our fat loss and muscle gain journeys along with the increased quality of life, productivity, etc. It is important to have a morning, pre-sleep, and mindfulness routine. This has been a great benefit over the past year. These are basic, but lockdown has allowed many of us to start ‘working inside’ which will pay long-term dividends.