How to Do Natural Gas Installation

The rising usage of natural gas via pipeline transport is the largest and most extensively used heating and utility tool for homes and in several regions. To make use of this energy source an installation of natural gas must be first installed. What is the procedure for installing natural gas accomplished? Find the required steps in our guide.

Mangawhai gas fitting company is an importer of natural gas installation and other products made in Turkey.

What is Natural Gas?

Natural gas is a gas that has been extensively utilized for many years, is an extremely methane gas, which is highly flammable, and contains hydrocarbons. It is located deep within the earth’s crust, and is created in pressurized beds. The main reason that makes natural gas so valuable is the high flammability which is a result of the low emission.

Usage Areas of Natural Gas

  • Use to heat District heating, central heating, heating for individual homes
  • Useful for culinary use
  • Use for hot water use
  • Natural gas is used in factories.
  • Natural gas is a natural gas that is used for commercial purposes
  • Natural gas is used to power generation systems
  • Natural gas used as a vehicle and motor fuel
  • Natural gas is utilized in the industry and production systems

Required Materials in the Construction of Natural Gas Installation

To benefit from natural gas in a safe way it is essential to choose firms that are skilled and knowledgeable in their field. The construction is to be done in line with the plan. The adjustments and the parts of the installation should be completed seamlessly. Parts that meet TS as well as TS EN standards must be employed. The components required for the installation phase are as follows;

  • Gas Valve
  • Flex Hose
  • PPRC Pipe
  • Connection Clamps
  • Hose Connection Unions
  • TE Connection Unions
  • TAK Indoor Installation Hoses
  • Hose Channels and Attachments
  • Pressure Regulator
  • Combi Boiler and Heating Devices and more.

Gas Valve: The gas valve is used to shut and allow gas to flow through the natural gas pipeline. They can control the flow’s pressure and also the speed of the flow using advanced technology.

Flex Hoses: The Flex Hose is a durable leak-proof and waterproof products made of stainless steel and other flexible materials. The hoses made of flexible are utilized to connect natural gas systems possess significant value in terms of their durability and impermeability. They are also essential in terms of health.

PPRC Pipes: PPRC pipe is made using 3 different raw materials. They are utilized in various systems like hot and cold drinking water, and liquid distribution facilities. The primary reasons to select PPRC Pipes are;

  • A smooth and light surface
  • With a slippery zone in which fluid flow is permitted
  • Being impervious to limescale and corrosion
  • It is very clean compared to other pipes
  • It is easy to install and to use

Connection Clamp: Connection clamps are often referred to by the name of “P Clamp” or “Reinforced Clamp.” Connection clamps are used for fixing pipes and ensure the integrity in the structure.

Connectors for Hoses: Unions are the components that connect the two parts to ensure that the installation is functioning properly and consistently. In the event that the Connection Unions are selected in a proper and appropriate manner they can improve your security in the installation they’re employed in.

TE Connection Unions: If pipes are running across a long line within the system to be put in The connection elements employed to safeguard the integrity and security for the system are known as Connection Unions. Connection Unions. The TE Connection Unions can be used to connect the pipes as well as flexes.

Indoor Installation Hoses: The fittings that are used for distribution of natural gas in the flats and other the areas of use. They must be made in compliance with European Standards in terms of the safety of use and health.

Hose Channels and Attachments: These channels are made to be used in parts of the system that curve and help make the system more efficient. The names of the channels for hoses are in accordance with the areas where they’ll be utilized. The fittings and hose channels are described as follows:

  • L Corner Hose Duct
  • Outer Corner Hose Duct
  • Inner Corner Hose Duct
  • Wall Passage Cover
  • Bellows
  • Channel Passage Covers
  • Counter Closure
  • TE Closure
  • Angled Outside Corner
  • Angled Inner Corner
  • Wall Transition Cover

Pressure Regulator: A controller or regulator is utilized to regulate the pressure in the facilities. Regulators are cheaper and less bulky as control valves. This is why they can be employed in indoor installations. Control valves, on contrary, are more expensive and also larger in dimensions. Regulators are favored for straightforward applications. Control valves are great for more complex applications.

Combi Boilers along with Heating Devices: These provide the necessary materials by the device to go to use. Combi devices allow the usage of natural gas in the house, and heating devices are used to make use of hot water.

Laying of Natural Gas Installations

Following installing the natural gas, the transition zones for the pipes and valves will be mapped out first. When the walls are made according to the plans and the clamps and pipes that are the size of which were determined prior to being fixed, will be erected. If natural gas is to be utilized as a source of energy the devices that burn natural gas will be put in place and then the security of the connections will be checked.

Indoor Natural Gas Installation

The installation of indoor gas is widely popular in homes because of its simplicity of usage and eco-friendly. The primary purpose of the installation is to supply hot water as well as heating. Natural gas that we utilize in our homes is able to reach various devices like the heater and stove through the main valve, which is located in the natural gas pipe for indoor use and the door to the building. Installations for natural gas in the indoor space pipes should be laid flat according to the plan and in a well-planned and appealing way. Before using the system, users must be registered with their membership and license.

Materials Used in Indoor Natural Gas Installation

  1. Main Shutoff Valve
  2. Gas Distribution Pipe
  3. Meter Connection Line
  4. Device Connection Line
  5. Column Pipe
  6. Consumption Line
  7. Waste Gas Systems
  8. Division Line

Stages of Natural Gas Installation

Proposal Phase: initial stage installation of natural gas is called the project phase. At this point it is necessary to conduct a survey on the location where installations will be constructed and specific areas are designated. After the plan is approved by the engineer the installation phase can begin.

Laying Phase: Following the design phase is completed, the safe and solid laying of the installation commences. The laying procedure is completed using the above mentioned materials. The structure, laid according to the plans and will be installed after having been examined and approved under the supervision by the engineering department (gas distribution).

Factors to be Considered in Laying Natural Gas Pipes

Natural gas system, popular in terms of their user-friendliness they are a type of energy system that must be considered when installing and constructing them. The primary factors to be taken into consideration when planning a natural gas system installation process are;

Pipelines should be accessible and be able to be easily accessed in the event of a need.

The intersection and connection areas should be sprayed with putty, sheets of linen Teflon tape, and medicines (whichever your gas distributor permits).

The gas line that is the main pipe as well as the primary shut-off valve have to be positioned in as to ensure that they’re not in contact.

The valve used for the installation should be one that is a ball valve.

Gas carrier pipes made of steel raw materials should be readily accessible in case of risk.

The pipes to be used must be secured with Connection Clamps.

Pipes should be constructed of non-corrosive materials.

To avoid a potential danger in the event of a potential danger, the natural gas line should be separated from the electrical wiring.

Natural Gas installations in Mangawhai should be constructed in accordance with the guidelines for the distribution company.

Natural Gas Meter Installation

Utilizing flexible connection products for natural gas meters, tension created by the connection between meters must be avoided.

In the event of a potential time of danger for a possible moment of danger, a Gas Stop Valves conforming to TS EN 331 regulations should be positioned and mounted with an approximate height between 150 and 220cm (within the limits set by the company that distributes gas).

The meters that are mounted must be mounted using consoles and leave the gap of 2 centimeters between the floor and wall.

Natural Gas Installation Laying Prices

Natural gas installations differ in cost based on the location and how they plan to be laid. Numerous companies have different costs for laying however the most important factor isn’t the adequacy of the cost and what is the grade of product utilized as well as the knowledge that the company is an expert in this field. The cost of natural gas installation can be different based on many aspects. The article below explains you’ve learned the steps to create an natural gas installation. It is also possible to read the other articles we have at our site.

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