I have come to realize that the power of the mind is staggering. I was working the other day with a client who suffered from severe back pain that limited her both mentally and physically. She believed that her pain was something sinister and suspected it was cancer. Such thoughts rushed through her mind at night keeping her awake, damaging her health further and making her feel even more tired and helpless during the day.
Clinical Hypnotherapy
We worked together on creating a calm mind space for her so that she could allow her subconscious to get to work on the healing process. Through regression we pin-pointed a significant event in her past that led her to have little belief in herself and that meant she could not move forward. Once she had been able to re-process this event her progress was swift.
The woman’s fears that she had cancer reminded me of a recent BBC headline claiming that hypnosis should be a core therapy in the treatment of cancer.
Phyllis Alden, consultant psychologist in the department of clinical oncology at Derbyshire Royal Infirmary, made this claim a couple of years ago: “It helps people achieve control of their emotions and be calm and relaxed. It can also help in symptom control, for example treating pain and nausea.”
Most anyone can be hypnotized and therefore benefit. Learning the art of self hypnosis is a life enhancing skill, that once learned can help you reduce and manage pain, prepare for demanding situations, discover and reconnect to inner resources and abilities and generally be more self aware.
Individuals Undergoing Hypnosis
A simple way to introduce yourself to the power of self-hypnosis is to find a few quiet moments where you can sit quietly and become aware of your breathing. As you do this find something a little above eye level to rest your eyes on as you continue to be gently aware of your breathing, noticing as you do that it slows right down. Now just keep your eyes fixed on that spot and notice the rest of the room or environment that you’re aware of on the edges of your vision, be aware of the feeling of your body in the chair and your feet on the floor and just stay with your breathing happening gently all by itself and notice how your state has changed. This is just the beginning of how to enter a state of trance where your mind has a single focus and therefore increased power to resolve problems or heal your body.
Sometimes we don’t appreciate the level of stress we have become used to and this is dangerous, it can lead to serious illness. If you’re in any doubt take a self assessment here check your levels of stress here and if they are higher than you thought decided to take some action today before it’s too late.