Technologies in Adult Social Care have a vast potential, but only if it is developed with partners

The table was attended by individuals who rely on services, those working in social care, as well as representatives from social service providers as well as municipalities, integrated systems of care as well as technology providers. The roundtable was conducted in accordance with Chatham House rules: we make public the comments, but we do not reveal the person who they were.

However, even within such a wide population, there was a good consensus regarding the problems faced by adult social care as well as the kind of social care system that people would like to experience.

There were many instances of technology being used to enhance quality and provide more control and choice and also to increase efficiency. These examples provided an insight into the potential of technology for those who depend on carers, services employees, and other organisations. We saw electronic notification of those who are preparing to discharge from the hospital, digital health care records remote monitoring, falls prevention technology, as well as technology that is geared towards consumers, like the virtual assistant.

There was a discussion on how technology might enhance the quality of care for people with disabilities. It was evident that most discussion was focused on the possibilities of technology rather than its immediate use.

What needs to be changed to allow things to progress quicker? The issues that came up during our discussions were broken into four broad areas: resources, systems, and infrastructure, as well as skills and culture, as well as co-production.


The most important point that were made regarding how systems can make better use of technology was the need for a proactive prevention-based model of health care.

The error is to see this as acquiring technologies instead of an exercise in creating the correct service model.

To permit investments in a more preventative approach, which encourages the person-centered approach to care, participants also felt there was a need for system-wide budgeting.

Sometimes, particularly in the case of tech-powered care options, the benefits could be elsewhere in the system.

Infrastructure and resources

In terms of infrastructure and resources, the discussion was focused on the need for financial support, particularly for longer-term financing, to help encourage the adoption of equipment that has proven beneficial.

We must move away from a mindset of piloting to one of prototyping and then scaling.

A significant improvement in managerial skills and understanding was also emphasized.

We’re drowning in data but need the right insight or vision and the proper capabilities to utilize our data.

Local authorities need helpg investments in innovation through collaboration with various partners. They need to be more confident in the tech sector and struggle to make investments in capital and change management funds.

Some others also have weighed in on the necessity of putting the digital infrastructure essential to society at an equal level across the country.

Many dark spots across the nation need high-quality or reliable Wi-Fi.

Culture and skills

Sure, participants believed that their skills and cultural beliefs were hindering growth.

Developing workforce skills and addressing concerns regarding technology are two significant challenges in our services and our team of employees. There is a lot of resistance.

As an industry, we need help with the environment and culture that drive this change and innovation.

However, others disagreed and argued that using social media health records, like those for medical care, had nothing to do with the culture but fees for care providers.

It was also recognized that the workforce issuers might result in workforce issue rooted issue sorted.

If deeply rooted problems for its abilities outside of digital, how can we incorporate digital more?

There was also a debate regarding whether the expectations and anxieties of people who depend on services are a significant factor in adopting digital technology.

We’re seeing people come into the system that has been growing to be tech-savvy. They’re tech-savvy,d their parents are tech-savvy, and they’re hoping the technology will be available.

The majority of people are very in love with technology. However, there are legitimate worries when technology is amplified to an organizational degree… the person who owns this data and holds control.


One of the main issues was collaboration in the creation of a solution. The issue was highlighted by those who rely on services.

I’d like to see a co-production process from the beginning, from making plans to commissioning to the support plan placing the individual at the heart so that you live your life with control and choice.

It was recognized that co-production in the present could have been more effective.

Local authorities work genuinely collaboratively, including people who receive assistance. However, there’s quite some effort to be put into this area.

The concern about the need to collaborate on solutions was extended to the companies. When combined with adequate financial support, digitally-enabled social care could transform the care of the individual.

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