I bet you reach this page because you want to know how to submit your site or get back link from those high pr and authority web sites. But we both knew that getting back link from those authority sites is not that easy unless you know what you’re doing or you have money to pay monthly fee for the back link they provide to your site.
But recently there was a very famous WSO of Angela Edwards of warrior forum, where she is selling her list of authority sites and instruction how to get back link from those authority sites. And yes I am one of those who subscribe to her list and until this moment I am still maintaining my subscription to her list. I don’t want to miss all those high pr and authority sites monthly. But to be honest submitting your site or getting back link from this sites is long process. Sometimes it takes 3-5 hours for me to complete 30 authority sites submission or back link.
But I need to do it, sometimes I am paying $50 for 30 authority sites back link if I don’t have time to do it. Why I am paying that much? Because I have proven it, that these back links works. I am doing this for 4 months now and I have seen all good result.
But recently Peter Drew and Angela Agreed to include the list to Peter Drew’s Bruteforce SEO to make the work faster and semi automated.
Today the software version 4.0 have been release, and the high pr and authority sites are included on this update. I must say this is the best update for Bruteforce SEO. Now getting back link from authority and high pr site is easy and faster than ever before I don’t need to pay $50 every time I want back link from authority sites because Bruteforce SEO is the solution.