All You Need To Learn About Car Wheel Balance & Tyre Rotation

If you’re a vehicle owner, then you should know that rotating your tyres along with maintaining proper wheel balance is a vital component of your regular tyre maintenance schedule. It should be realised that the rear and front tyres perform different types of functions, which is the reason why they wear out in varying ways. 

Generally, the front tyres of the car carry most of the car’s weight and therefore wear out faster than the rear tyre. This is the reason why tyre rotation is utmost mandatory if you want to achieve the maximum amount of performance from your vehicle. Moreover, if you’re planning to obtain a Warrant of Fitness (WOF) from a mechanic in Auckland, then maintaining good tyre health is a must.

What Do You Mean By Tyre Rotation?

The process of tyre rotation can be defined by swapping the tyres of each wheel with the other ones so that even wear & tear can be experienced on all of the tyres. For instance, you can proceed to swap the rear wheel tyres with the front ones and vice-versa. 

In that way, you can expect your car tyres to last much longer, thereby saving you money in the process. 

How Frequent Should You Rotate Your Car Tyres?

It should be perceived that different vehicles have different wear rates when it comes to their wheel tyres, which is why it’s always difficult to pinpoint on a certain time-frame. For example, a car having a front-wheel drive will behave in a much different manner than a rear-wheel one. 

However, it should be mentioned that tyre rotation should usually be done every 8,000 to 10,000 KM, even if you don’t notice any obvious signs of wearing out.

What Do You Mean By Wheel Balancing?

The act of balancing a car wheel can be defined as the process through which the heavier part of the wheel is compensated by attaching a weight on its other end. If the wheel balancing is not done correctly, then the wheels of the vehicle will start wobbling. As a result, it can lead to accidents while driving on the road. 

Professional car servicing in Auckland suggests that when a wheel with a new tyre is mounted onto a vehicle, wheel balancing is highly required.

How Frequent Should You Perform Wheel Balancing?

Wheel balancing should be done in the following situations:

  • When you’re replacing the tyres of your car.
  • When you’re rotating your car tyres.
  • In case the steering wheel of your car is vibrating or more noisy than before.

And brings us to the end of our hefty discussion regarding wheel balancing and tyre rotating. Having said that, if you require any assistance in regards to vehicle inspection, be sure to let us know. 

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