The Law Of Attraction And The Secret To Greater Living

Do you want a new, more fulfilling career? A newer, nicer car? A more caring and loving spouse? According to the law of attraction and the secret these things are available to you simply by changing the way you think. The idea of using the power of intention and positive thinking to attract the things you want goes all the way back to Hindu teachings. The idea first gained mass appeal in the mid 1950s, when Vincent Peale published his book “The Power of Positive Thinking.”

In the past few years, the law of attraction and the secret, which is available as a book, and a movie has gained huge support. This basically explains how the laws of attraction work. Oprah Winfrey featured the teachings on her show. The basis of this modern perspective is to use creative visualization to stay intent on what you’d like to bring into your life. This is also known as the intention-manifestation model. It essentially revolves around mentally focusing on what you want, or what is referred to as “setting an intention.” By doing so, you send your true desires into the universal energy field, thus allowing them the opportunity to manifest themselves.

Creating intentions is as simple as putting down what you want on paper or keeping an image of what you wish to have in the forefront of your mind. Just as important, the law of attraction and the secret teaches believers that they must eradicate negative or harmful thoughts from their minds. Because proponents of the law of attraction and the secret believe that the universe’s ultimate wish is to provide for us, they maintain that if you are constantly thinking of the negative things in your life, such as debt, a terrible job or unhappy relationships, then the universe “senses” all of the energy you devote to those things and assumes that must be what you want, so it delivers more of the same.

So, if you employ the power of intention and positve thinking to concentrate on the positive such as more money, peace of mind, and greater relationship, the world will react to that positive energy and provide you with a more positive way of life. Those who don’t believe cannot claim that scientists have proved that positivity can have a great influence on a more healthy outlook on life. Thus, no matter if you seek a better life or just better feeling, the law of attraction and the secret could give you the result you seek.

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