Aromatherapy Info – 5 Things To Know About Aromatherapy Before Trying It Out

Aromatherapy is a traditional form of therapy involving the use of essential oils and aromatic plant compounds. It’s also often referred to as essential oil therapy. 

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for health and mood purposes, so it’s only natural to ponder their potential uses in your own life at some time or another. 

Before you start exploring your aromatherapy options, there’s no harm in doing your homework. Here are a few things you should know before you purchase essential oils and accessories for the first time. 

There Are Different Ways to Use Essential Oils

When you start looking at all the different oils and electric essential oil diffuser types available, it’s only natural to become overwhelmed. They don’t all achieve the same results, nor do you use them all in the same way. 

The most common ways to perform aromatherapy are inhalation and topical application. During inhalation, essential oils are evaporated into the air via a diffuser, steam bath, or spray. 

The intention is to stimulate your olfactory system, which is the part of your brain linked to the nose. Essential oils are also commonly used topically. They are made into skincare products, bath products, and massage oils. However, it’s important to understand that pure essential oils can’t be applied directly to your skin. Instead, they must be mixed with a carrier oil such as olive or almond oil. 

Many People Experience Benefits From Their Use

While some studies are still in their infancy, many people have described a range of benefits from the use of essential oils, such as relief from aches, pain, fever, stress, nausea, skin issues, and even circulatory problems. 

For example, rose geranium essential oil is often relied upon to relieve inflammatory responses in the skin, while many people swear by chamomile to assist with eczema symptoms

Perform a Skin Patch Test First

If you plan to apply essential oils topically, always perform a skin test first. As previously mentioned, essential oils can’t be applied directly to your skin. However, for some people, essential oils can cause allergic reactions and skin irritation even when blended with carrier oils. 

After combining essential oils with a carrier oil, wash your forearm with unscented soap and pat it dry. Rub the diluted essential oil onto a small patch of skin and wait up to 24 hours. If your skin becomes red, swollen, or blistered, refrain from using the oil topically. 

There Are Many Popular Options to Try

When you decide to explore your options around aromatherapy, seeing the dozens of different varieties can be overwhelming. You may not know what to try first. Experts can assist with matching an essential oil to a particular need, but it helps to be aware of the most popular oils to try. 

Many people choose to purchase:

  • Chamomile
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender
  • Tea tree
  • Rose
  • Citronella
  • Sandalwood
  • Peppermint 

Be Aware of Precautions to Take

Treat essential oils like any other medications – with great care. If you’re using a diffuser, only use it for 30-60 minutes at a time, with an hour break in between. Keep your oils out of reach of pets and children, and only diffuse in well-ventilated areas. 

There can be a lot to learn when you explore your options around aromatherapy. However, if you purchase your products from reputable businesses and ask the right questions, you’ll be armed with the information you need to be able to use essential oils safely. This approach will give you the best chance of benefiting from the experience.


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