Road Safety and Good Tyres: All You Need to Know

Tyre safety is directly linked to your ride experience and road safety. There are countless accidents that happen every year because of poor tyre management. It won’t matter if you have the best brakes available when your tyre is worn out. Here is all you should know about tyre safety. 

Things you should know about tyre safety 

  • When you need to replace the tyres for your car they should always be of the same size as recommended by the tyre manufacturer. 
  • There is should not be any inconsistency in tyres and all of the tyres should be of the same construction and size. 
  • You must check the stamp of approval before buying any new tyre. There are several counterfeit tyres out there and it can get tricky to find the original make. 
  • You should ideally never assume that the tyres in your car are correct. If you have bought the tyres from an authorized dealer then it’s ok. Otherwise, it can be potentially harmful. There is reliable tyre shop Auckland wherein you can find the tyres that are anything but a copy.

Checklist for inspecting tyres 

  • Check whether there are any punctures, cuts or bulges in your tyre. You should check this every once in a while to ensure that the tyre is in a good condition. 
  • Look if the wheel is aligned properly or not. If the tyres are misaligned then the wear of your tyre increases. 
  • If you see that the inner as well as outer edge has wear then it perhaps means that the tyre has been run at a lower pressure than required. 
  • If there are any missing valve caps then they should be replaced as soon as possible. Valve caps exist so that they can prevent the valve from clogging. This would cause loss of air pressure too. 

How to maintain the tyres 

  • You should read the vehicle owner manual and the speed or tyre as well as load ratings should conform to the specifications given. 
  • You should check the tyres as well as the rims after you have met an accident or if the car hits any obstacle on the road. In case there is any issue you should get it checked and mended soon.
  • The brakes, shock absorbers and rims should be regularly checked when the vehicle is being serviced. 
  • No matter how good your tyre is, you are not justified to drive it fast at any instance. If you experience a burst in the tyre then instead of using brakes opt for slowing down using the gears. Applying the brakes suddenly will only lead to car damage. 

What happens if tyre is not in a good condition? 

Tyres are the only point of contact between your car as well as the road. It needs to be in the optimal condition for you to drive safely. If you neglect the condition of your car then it primarily causes you to lose the control over your vehicle. The condition might just get worse when there is a blow out and you end up losing the entire control of the vehicle. 

Often times when the roads are wet you can see a layer of water between the surface of road as well as the tyre. The tyre is built in order to ensure that there is grip between the surface and tyre. If your tyres are worn out then it becomes really problematic. You might even lose the grip while driving. The best way to prevent any such mishap is by getting high quality michelin tyres which will help you drive safe even on wet roads. 

Thus, the safety of your car is related to the safety of your tyres. You should certainly take the best precaution so that there is no accident because of the tyres. Moreover, the best way is to follow the directions which have been given on the user manual. Make sure to also regularly maintain the tyres and get them serviced too. 

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