Connecting teachers and students in real-time while learning takes place is the aim of the assessment apps Socrative and Classtime. Caroline Smrstik Gentner talks with the creators of the apps about ways that EdTech can help improve learning and teaching.
Caroline Smrstik Gentner, It has been more easy since the COVID-19 pandemic to make schools more interested in the online assessment tools you offer because people are more accustomed to the technology?
Abdul Chohan, Socrative: A lot of schools have stuck to Google or Teams instead of seeking out tools specifically designed for the specific task. If they’re looking to make the assessment, they utilize the Google Form because it’s something they are familiar with. When I talk in schools, my aim is to change the mindset of students.
Jan Rihak, Classtime: We’re having more meaningful discussions with administrators and educators. Before the pandemic, it was all simple black and white. A few might say that they didn’t want technologies in schools, for that matter. Nowadays, it’s an advanced discussion. We’ve also gained by the fact that many have jumped onto the well-known tools you’ve mentioned, Abdul, because schools have realized that these tools could be useful as a first paving or assistance during a epidemic, which can later be effectively expanded using more specialized and affluent tools.
AC: Exactly. It’s encouraging to know that discussions are being held in several countries on a policy level. The current EdTech workshops aren’t focused on futuristic ideas such as augmented reality or code, but are about practical solutions. The basis of learning is clear instruction that includes teaching assessment, feedback, and teaching. Teachers do these things every day in every classroom and across the globe. If we can bring technology that improves efficiency, reduces time, and improves each of these areas, We can change the face of education.
“The fundamentals of learning are direct instruction, which includes teaching evaluation, feedback, and assessment. If we are able to contribute to technology that enhances efficiency, reduces time, and improves all three of these areas it will transform the way we teach.”
JR A: The physical and online classes should work in tandem. Teachers can give feedback in a variety of methods, including one-on-one during a class debrief with a lot of detail or just focusing on certain things, we didn’t want to require them to follow the same method. We chose to narrow our focus to specific areas in which we’re certain we can make a difference by resolving problems students have completed or giving teachers data snapshots. In this way, we’re trying to be extremely focused and not overly extensive or complicated. If software like Socrative adopts an approach that is more holistic, it’s thrilling. We’ll watch this unfold and learn from you, too.
AC Technology lets us monitor the student’s progress in real-time and allows us to do things we were unable to do before. Classtime can do this very well since teachers are able to see the responses of all students, not just those who raise their hands or shake their heads.
CSG: What is the highlights of working with this unique program?
CSG: Classtime and Socrative are gamified and encourage fun and competition. Are these features what make these programs attractive to students?
JR The ability to keep students involved is vital to their learning. For certain students, it’s sufficient to receive instant feedback from their teacher telling them whether they’ve performed something correctly or not. If gaming is the best method to get the attention of those who would otherwise not be interested, it’s an excellent thing. Classtime also has challenges for collaboration and competitions that don’t require individual scores. It’s all of the class who succeed in completing a task or taking an astronaut into space.
AC The collaborative component is very effective and can lead to many learning opportunities. Sometimes, feedback can come as an orange box that pops up, similar in impact as a Like on Instagram. The thing that is most important is the speed at which teachers and students receive feedback.
AC The only way teachers can give quick feedback to 30 students. Technology is far superior to humans in that regard. I’m amazed to find this kind of technology being used inside the class. Teachers continue to hand out worksheets, then grade them, and return them a week later, similar to the old days.
In discussions with school officials, I always make them think by saying that your product is learning, and you need to know if learning took place.