If you’re an avid carpet user in your home, then you must know that carpet mould can be a horrible mess. This is because mould on hard surfaces such as wood or tiles can be removed easily. But, when it comes to removing mould from places such as carpets, it can become a challenging task. Moreover, mould on carpets are difficult to notice at its nascent stage and becomes noticeable only when it grows larger.
In case your carpet is already damp, and there is a musty smell that is coming out of it – then it’s time for you to perform some further investigation on the same. If you notice any kind of odour or discolouration, it can be a sign that mould or mildew is starting to grow. Therefore, it’s highly vital that such problems must be acted upon immediately – using professional carpet cleaning in Tauranga services. This is why we are going to share some suggestions for the same.
Procedures To Keep Your Carpets Free From Moulds
- Try To Keep Your Home Ventilated
It’s always important to keep your house well-ventilated by opening doors and windows as required. This is the easiest way through which you can reduce the onset of moisture in your home. You can also proceed to purchase a portable dehumidifier, which can help in lower the humidity at a specific area of the house. It should be perceived that if you want to keep your carpets mould-free, the humidity level should be less than 65 per cent.
- Clean All Your Floor & Carpet Spills Almost Immediately
You must learn that it generally takes mould one to two days to grow, especially inside a wet carpet that is laden with moisture. The same can be avoided by cleaning your spills almost immediately – which will help in lessening the overall impact. If you can keep your carpets clean from moisture most of the time, then you can be sure that mould infestation will be reduced.
- Make Vacuuming A Habit
Vacuuming on a daily basis is a healthy habit to have. This is because it will help your carpets stay clean over time. Furthermore, the vacuuming procedure will remove all the bacteria and moulds – preventing them from breeding & growing inside the fibres of your carpet. It’s always recommended to vacuum your carpets on a weekly basis.
- Opt For Professional Carpet Cleaning Services
If you’re looking for solutions for possibly the worst-case scenario, then calling in the professional carpet cleaners might be the best idea. You’ll obtain not only skilled & experienced personnel for the job, but also an effortless procedure that will be performed without taking much of your time.
It’s highly recommended that you carry out the above procedures to be able to eliminate moulds & mildews entirely from your carpets.