Newbie Necessities – 5 Accessories Every New 4WD Owner Actually Needs

If you’ve decided that regularly escaping the city for adventures seems like a fantastic idea, you’re certainly not alone. However, if you’re new to the world of 4WD ownership, you’re probably also deeply confused by all of the accessory options on the market. That’s why we’ve put together this list of accessories every new 4WD owner genuinely needs. This article has been designed to help you cut through the proverbial and get your new beast set up just right. 

Light Bars

Although often overlooked when you’re first getting set up, LED Light Bars for 4x4s are among the most useful accessories available. Not only will they make navigating rough terrain in the middle of the night a lot easier, but they’re also perfect for lighting up your camp-site, tracking down that one mate who had too much to drink and wandered off, or hunting for dinner. These are just a few of the main benefits. The list of LED advantages is virtually endless because, as we can all agree, everything is easier when you can see what you’re doing!

A Bull Bar

Bull Bars come in many shapes and sizes, and which one is best for you will vary depending on your vehicle and what you actually want to do with it. No matter which option you select, however, your new bull bar will be great for protecting you and your vehicle from stray wildlife and messy terrain. It will also serve as the perfect base for further customization of your new beast as it can be a great anchor point for other accessories. 

A Winch

Winches are invaluable when you’re out in the middle of nowhere. No matter whether you need to move something out of your way, rescue a mate, or even pull yourself out of a sticky situation, your winch will have your back. Just don’t get sucked into the trap of getting a lower-rated, flimsy unit or you could run into issues if you ever need to move something large or heavy. 


If you’ll be wanting to cart motorbikes, small boats, or anything else that can be attached to your vehicle, it’s well worth adding dedicated racks to your 4WD. Many options on the market are universal, so you don’t have to worry about what will happen if you upgrade any of your other toys. Having permanently attached accessories will save you a lot of time and effort when you’re loading up for your adventure. Plus, they’re just generally useful things to have as you never know what you may want to transport in the future.

A Snorkel

Finally, if you’re going to be crossing rivers, traveling through areas that are prone to flooding, or plan on any other activity that could land you in deep water, a snorkel is an engine-saving investment. While they don’t guarantee safety, you’ll be a lot better off if your 4WD can still breathe once you drop it into any puddles deep enough to reach above your wheel arch. 

Owning a vehicle that can control all four wheels is a great start to your adventurous new life, but just because it can steer and hold its own in less than ideal conditions doesn’t mean that everything will be perfect from the start. The accessories listed here will help ensure that your trips are safe and enjoyable. They’ll also provide a great starting point for getting your beast exactly how you want it. You’re obviously quite welcome to pair whatever else you want with these options, but we strongly suggest adding these on first. Enjoy!

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