Views on Veganism: 5 Common Arguments Against Veganism Debunked

There are many arguments against veganism, but the truth is that a lot of these arguments come from a place of misinformation or misunderstanding. To gain some perspective on the situation, let’s take a look at five common arguments that are easily debunked. By doing so, we enjoy the plant-based lifestyle safely and with open-minded curiosity.

  1. You Need Dairy for Calcium

Contrary to popular belief, not even the best milk can outdo the wonders of plants. Calcium was originally thought to be abundantly available in milk and dairy products. While this is true, the calcium that is present in animal milk is there because the animal ate plants. That means the calcium originally came from plants. 

Just as cows can produce calcium-rich milk on a diet of plants, humans can also get enough calcium by eating a balanced plant-based diet. Beans, peas, certain seeds, and grains are all rich sources of calcium. 

  1. You Need Meat for Protein

Surprisingly, fruits like bananas are rich in amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. Beans contain more fiber than steak with only slightly less protein, while nuts like almonds are packed with essential fatty acids and protein. 

Quinoa, peas, sunflower seeds, and most plant-based varieties of milk are also packed with healthy protein. Considering how immense the presence of vitamin K is in dark leafy greens like spinach, it’s clear that you can get plenty of nutrient density from plant-based foods. 

  1. Veganism Can Cause Anemia

Everyone, non-vegetarians included, is at risk of becoming anemic if they don’t eat a balanced diet. You can acquire every vitamin and mineral you require by delving deep into the world of fruit, which is absolutely packed with nutrients. 

You’ll also get a wealth of iron by including dark leafy green vegetables in your diet. Try adding kale or spinach to your smoothies, soups, healthy juices, or tasty salads. They’re also delicious on sandwiches. Seaweed is also rich in iron and vitamin K. 

While vegans are often told that they must take a vitamin B12 supplement, the truth is that anyone, meat-eaters included, may need to supplement. To determine if you’re deficient, you can have your doctor order a blood test.  

  1. Vegan Diets Are Expensive

Following a plant-based diet can be one of the most inexpensive ways to eat, so long as you stick with whole foods. If you decide to buy meat-replacement products, like soya meat, tofu, tempeh, and other similar products, it can get expensive. Similarly, if you decide to use vegan cheese replacements, your grocery bill might grow. 

Thankfully, there are fantastic DIY cheese recipes that you can make at home. These recipes are easy and affordable alongside being wholesome, healthy, and ethical. Making veganism affordable requires a little extra work and research, but once you get the swing of it, it’s really not that hard.  

  1. You’re Always Slightly Hungry on a Vegan Diet

The trick to feeling full and satisfied on a vegan diet lies in eating a greater quantity of food. Plant-based foods are less calorie dense but not less nutrient-dense, so you can safely increase your food intake to the point where you feel full and satisfied. 

This could mean eating more often and having larger meals. Even with an increase in food quantity, weight gain is not necessarily on the cards. In fact, many people find that the weight drops off easily on a vegan diet, even when they’re feasting every day. 

Though it does take a little extra research and planning, the variety of flavors and textures of a plant-based diet make the effort worthwhile. 

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