You may feel sore after your wisdom teeth are removed. This can make it difficult to eat. Soft foods like soups and yogurt can help make your recovery easier.

Third molars are also called wisdom teeth. They are located at the back of your mouth and are usually the last to emerge.

The majority of people have four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of the mouth. Because there isn’t much space in the back of your mouth, your wisdom teeth might develop at odd angles or only partially emerge. These are known as impacted wisdom teeth.

A variety of issues can be caused by wisdom teeth that have been impacted. They can infect neighboring teeth, cause damage, crowding, or lead to decay.

These concerns are often addressed by wisdom teeth being removed. Wisdom teeth do not need to be extracted unless they are causing problems.

It is important that you eat right after your wisdom teeth are removed. A healthy diet can help reduce complications, swelling, and nourishment and speed up the healing process.

After surgery, foods should be easy to chew and soft. To aid wound healing, they should contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and energy.

These are 15 soft foods that you can eat following the removal of your wisdom teeth.

1. Blended soups

After having your wisdom teeth extracted, blended soups such as tomato or pumpkin soup are great. They are easy to eat and do not contain any bits that could cause irritation.

Soups are also rich in vitamins and minerals. This allows you to meet your daily nutrition requirements even if you don’t have any whole fruits and vegetables.

Blended soups can help you stay hydrated after surgery.

Hot soups can cause irritation, so it is best to make sure your soups are either cold or lukewarm. Blend vegetable-based soups well to avoid lumps.

2. Broths

After dental surgery, soups can be enjoyed in the same way as soups.

They are delicious and rich in vitamins and minerals. Broths are an excellent way to keep hydrated when you don’t drink enough water.

Bone broth has been praised for its health benefits. It is a nutritious broth made from simmering bones and connective tissues.

Although no studies have been done on bone broth’s health effects, there are studies that show its components may have anti-inflammatory properties.

To avoid irritation of the wound, make sure you eat the broth cold or lukewarm.

3. Greek yogurt

After dental surgery, Greek yogurt can be a healthy and nutritious food that is high in protein. It is creamy and smooth, which can help to soothe and numb the mouth.

Greek yogurt is high in protein, vitamins, and minerals like calcium and zinc.

High-protein foods can aid in recovery. Numerous studies have shown that a low-protein diet can lead to a slower recovery process.

Studies also show that adequate zinc intake can promote wound healing.

If your zinc status is already excellent, supplementing with zinc might not be beneficial. However, zinc-rich foods like steak and other meats can be difficult to eat after dental surgery. A Greek yogurt is a great option.

4. Mashed potatoes

Potatoes can be prepared in many different ways. Mashed potatoes are a comfort food that can be used after your wisdom teeth have been removed.

They are high in nutrients and calories, which is important for recovery. Because people require slightly more energy after surgery, this is why they are so popular.

Mashed potatoes are a great way to get lots of nutrients and energy in a small amount.

Make sure your mashed potatoes do not get too hot or too cold. Hot foods can cause irritation to the wound.

5. Scrambled eggs

After having your wisdom teeth removed, eggs are one of the best foods you can eat. They are a good source of high-quality protein and are rich in vitamins and minerals.

If you are looking for eggs to buy, make sure to look for pasteurized or Omega-3-enriched eggs. Omega-3 fats can aid in wound healing.

Scrambled eggs are easier to swallow than other egg preparations.

6. Applesauce

Apples can be hard and crunchy after you have had your wisdom teeth removed. Applesauce can be a way to increase fruit intake without causing irritation.

Applesauce is made mostly from apples, which are usually skinless and cored. This reduces their nutritional value. The skin is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients.

A skinless apple, however, is a good source of vitamins like vitamin C.

7. Mashed bananas

Bananas have been voted the most loved fruit in the world. They are easy to chew after dental surgery because of their soft texture.

Bananas are extremely nutritious and contain a variety of vitamins, including potassium, vitamin B6, and folate.

To reduce discomfort, you can mash bananas to soften their texture.

8. Banana ice-cream

Ice cream is a popular choice for wisdom tooth patients. Ice cream can be soothing for the wound. However, it is high in sugar as well as fat.

Banana ice cream is a delicious, healthy alternative to regular ice cream.

9. Avocado

Avocados are a unique fruit. Avocados are low-carbohydrate fruits but high in healthy fats.

They are great to eat after having your wisdom teeth removed.

Avocados are very nutritious and rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.

Avocados may accelerate wound healing in animals, according to one study. While this research does not prove that avocados can speed up wound healing in humans.

Avocados are easy to eat. However, it is easier to eat whipped avocados or mashed avocados during recovery.

10. Smoothies

Smoothies can be a great way of increasing your nutrition when you don’t have the time to eat solid food.

They are easy to make and can be used in many different ways. Smoothies can be modified to suit your taste and your nutritional goals.

Smoothies with Greek yogurt, or a scoop of protein powder, can significantly increase your protein intake, which is crucial for recovery. Studies have shown that low protein intake can hinder recovery.

Add some fruits and vegetables to the blender along with your protein choice. Avoid using fruit with seeds, such as strawberries and blackberries.

11. Hummus

Hummus, a popular Middle Eastern dish, is now very much in demand.

Hummus is a rich source of healthy fats and vitamins, as well as protein. Hummus is a great food choice for people who have just lost their wisdom teeth.

Hummus can be made by mixing chickpeas with olive oil, tahini, and lemon in a food processor. You can also buy premade hummus at most supermarkets.

Hummus may not be enjoyed with pita bread or chips because of its crunchy texture. Hummus can still be enjoyed by itself.

12. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese has low calories and is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is soft and creamy, which makes it easy for you to chew and swallow while you are recovering from wisdom teeth surgery.

Cottage cheese also contains protein which can aid in wound healing.

Cottage cheese can also be easily incorporated into your diet. You can add cottage cheese to your breakfast smoothies or scrambled eggs.

13. Instant oatmeal

Oats have high nutritional content. They are filling, nutritious, and high in fiber.

Oats can be chewy and sticky so wait at least three days before you start to eat them.

Instant oatmeal is a better choice than any other type of oatmeal, as it is less chewy.

Avoid irritation by cooling the oats before you consume them.

14. Mashed pumpkin

After having your wisdom teeth removed, mashed pumpkin is a great way to eat. Although it is sometimes called a vegetable, it is actually a fruit.

Its soft and mushy texture makes the product easy to chew without irritation.

Additionally, pumpkin is high in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as minerals such as potassium. These vitamins can help boost immunity which may, in turn, help the body recover after wisdom tooth removal.

To avoid irritation, let the pumpkin cool off.

15. Salmon

Salmon is one of the healthy fish you can eat. Because it is soft and easy to chew, salmon is great for eating after dental surgery.

Salmon is rich in protein and healthy fats such as omega-3 oils. These fats can aid in wound healing, particularly if you have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

While inflammation is necessary for wound healing, excessive inflammation can slow down recovery.

Foods to Avoid

As your mouth heals from surgery, you may be exposed to a variety of foods that can cause irritation.

These are the foods you should avoid following wisdom tooth removal.

  • Spicy food: can cause pain and irritation.
  • Crumbled and crunchy foods (like cookies or chips): can get stuck in wounds and cause damage to healing.
  • The majority of grains and seeds: may also get stuck in wounds and cause damage to the healing process.
  • Chewy food: may increase your chance of biting your cheeks, lips, and tongue. This is especially true if you have just had surgery while your mouth is still numb.
  • Alcohol: can irritate the wounds or interact with prescribed medications (it is best to avoid using it during recovery).

While you are recovering from wisdom tooth extraction, it is important not to use a straw. Straws can cause a dry socket by creating suction in your mouth.

A dry socket refers to a painful condition where the clot that protected the area where the tooth was extracted is broken. The result is that the nerves and bones beneath the tooth are exposed to air. This causes pain and delays healing.

The bottom line

It is important to choose nutritious, soft-textured, and nutrient-rich foods if you have just had your wisdom teeth extracted.

Nutritious soft food can not only help with recovery, but also prevent discomfort.

These are some great foods to enjoy after wisdom tooth removal:

  • Smoothies
  • Soups and broths
  • Greek yogurt
  • mashed potatoes
  • Scrambled eggs
  • apple puree
  • bananas
  • banana ice cream
  • cottage cheese
  • instant oatmeal
  • Pumpkin pureed or mashed
  • Salmon

It may be worth stocking your pantry with these tasty foods if you are having wisdom teeth removed in the near future.

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