Everything You Should Know About Engineered Wooden Floor

As the name suggests, engineered wood mainly consists of different wood layers fixated together. It should be realised that there are generally two types of engineered wood – one being a three-layered engineered wood while the other being a multi-layered engineered wood.

In a three-layered engineered wood, the top layer will be made out of real wood, while the middle & bottom layer will be out of pine & veneer, respectively. On the other hand, multi-layered engineered wood will have a more dense top layer and the same will be pressed down onto plywood, thereby manning the ‘multi-layer’ moniker.

Three-Layered Vs Multi-Layered Engineered Wood – Which Is A Better Option?

It should be perceived that the production of three-layered engineered wood depends on the availability of pine or spruce wood. Therefore, in case you live in a region where pine and spruce trees are found in abundance, then you’ll have no problems finding good quality three-layered engineered wood. The stability of the wood depends upon the quality.

On the other hand, since multi-layered engineered wood generally required plywood, therefore the availability will also be higher. This means that multi-layered engineered wood will always have comparatively better quality in a region where pine & spruce trees are scantily available because three-layered engineered wood will be costly and rare.

Professional flooring in Wellington services states that ultimately, it all comes down to the only factor and that is ‘quality’. If the engineered wood that you’re obtaining is of higher quality, it doesn’t matter what type it is.

Advantages Of Using Engineered Wood

  • This is 100 per cent natural or organic product.
  • It can be found in either multi-layered or three-layered variants.
  • The wood is aesthetically pleasing and works great as an insulator.
  • Tends to be much cheaper than solid wood.

There’s no denying that engineered wood is definitely one of the best options out there when it comes to building real wooden floors. You can find engineered wood in a variety of different flavors such as teak, walnut, oak, and the likes. These wooden floors provide the customer with a lot of choices when it comes to enhancing their interior spaces. As a result, you can quickly obtain aesthetically pleasing interiors without spending much.

In case you’re not a big fan of real wood options, then engineered wood might not be the ideal option for you. If that’s the case, you can look into laminate flooring options instead.

Lastly, we sincerely hope you liked our small guide on learning more about engineered wood. If you’re planning to obtain engineered wood for your flooring options, be sure to let us know. We’ll help you right away.

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